MUSOS WANTED – cello, double bass or bassist + synth player + female vocalist.

EthnaMorte are searching for

> A synth player to add samples and pads to our sound (most urgently!!!)

> A cello, double bass or electric bass player

> A female vocalist who can sing in English AND a 2nd language French, Spanish or Portuguese. (role varies from backing vocals on some songs to a more prominent role on others!)

If you would like to join us, please email your myspace/youtube/whatever (or an mp3 download link) + your phone number to

Keep in mind that due to rehearsals, being London-based or regularly commuting here, helps.

Due to gigs & recordings always in progress, pro-active disposition to learn at a fast pace is welcome! Rehearsals are in our studio (for free) & take place in SE16 Bermondsey close to London Bridge, with free parking available on premises!

Contact – 07983868507 Malcolm/

View a video clip featuring 4 of the tracks to appear on this CD.

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